It's during my longer runs that the creative thoughts usually generate. I get lost in the moment; listening to my music, not paying attention to where I'm heading, and letting the stress of the day disappear. Today was no exception. With the snow cascading down, drifts and mounds covered the pathways I trend. I thought I'd be freezing today; every direction I turned the snow found ways to get into my jacket. After about a mile of getting use to the chill, it almost didn't feel like I was running in the Michigan winter! Wearing layers upon layers, my pink ear-flap hat, and my favorite tights, I was cozy. Getting off the beaten path where the drifts grew, the snow under foot was fresh and reminiscent of trail running...only fluffy!
I began to reflect on what makes a runner. Why are there so many folks in the world that claim they can't run or declare they aren't runners? I believe there are just two reasons for people to say these things about running: lack of confidence in their ability to do so, or they just don't want to be runners. That's it.
No matter what others say, anyone can run! It's just a matter of how much you want to or not. Majority of people don't want to be runners, and that is fine. It confuses me when someone becomes amazed at the amount of miles Zach or I run. "How do you do that? I could never run that far. I'm just not a runner." If you are one of these people, my apologizes for offending you, but please stop saying that. Every person has an innate ability to run, anyone can do's just a matter of choice. It might not be as easy and you might not be able to go that fast or far, but in the grand scheme of things, does that really matter? When I hear someone tell me, "I could never be a runner," all I hear are excuses. Next time be honest with me, just say you don't like running or aren't motivated enough to start. I'll understand. Running isn't for everyone.
My mother is one of my favorite people. Her and my father have always supported my hobbies, especially running. Both of them ran in high-school, but the sport never went beyond that. Just this past summer, my mother surprised me when she told me she had started running again. She slowly went from walk/jog, to completing a mile, to 3 miles. I was and am extremely proud of her. She didn't think she would ever be able to run again, but with a little motivation and inspiration, she has been enjoying it. It is stories like these that make me lace of my Wave Riders and get out in this yucky weather. Being young and fit, I need to take advantage of this time and not bum around.
How has everyone's training been going so far? Any goals or races planned for 2011? If you need any training tips or race suggestions, feel free to ask!
Fresh Snow
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