The transition from training for the North Country Marathon, recovering, and back to training mode again has been a struggle. After barely being able to walk like a normal person for a couple of days, Gazelle had a cross country meet against Calvin College that I had signed up for a month earlier...not thinking that I would still be in this condition. Reluctantly, I ran the 5K the following Thursday after the marathon and did it fairly well! Ended up finishing first for Gazelle women in a 21:04.
Since then, I have started slowly getting some miles in. This past week I did about 17 miles, but I'm still having issues with my IT and knee. Something that I do not think will easily go away. I'm nervous that this will become a problem before the GR Marathon, hindering my chances of a PR. With the marathon only about a month away, I'm not sure how exactly to train for it. Having a pretty solid base makes me feel better about finishing with ease, but I do not want to be in as much pain as I was at the North Country. Obviously, my mistakes will be taken into consideration for this next one.
I'm going to try increasing my mileage each week, getting one 20 miler in, and then backing off again. Let's hope this works to my advantage.
Post Marathon: What Next?

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