Finished yet another high mileage week, which made life seem a little bit more busier. I attempted to get up early in the morning to run so I wouldn't be so tired after work, but I just don't think I have the motivation to get up that early right now. Last week I put in about 45 miles and am looking at a drop in mileage for this week. I did two 8 mile runs Tuesday and Wednesday that were hard considering the heat/humidity we are getting. I did the 8 mile run on Tuesday in about 7:12 pace and 7:34 for Wednesday's; which was also a workout. Warmed up for about 1 1/2 then did 4 sets of 5 hard/5 jog with a longer cooldown. Maybe when I get my FREE hydration belt I'll be able to feel better about doing longer runs in this heat! :) No telling how hot and humid it will be during the marathon.
At this point my right side is still the same, but I really don't know if I can do much about it. I think it is a muscle problem, maybe a kink that needs to be rubbed I'm looking to go to a sports massage therapist. I know it will hurt in the process, but if it makes me feel better...oh well.
This week's goals: to take it a little easier and make sure I'm getting hydrated and eating enough calories. All prep work for the week after next, which is when I'm suppose to be hitting my peak mileage.
Week 11: Heat...I hate sweating

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