I had envisioned running and hitting my peak mileage was going to be rather difficult; but I did it just fine! Despite the IT band and running the Diemer 5k, I still managed to get 49 miles in. I thought I would have had to do at least one two-a-day.
Wednesday I stayed the night at Margie's so I could see the Diemer course. Getting out of my apartment and the Holland bubble was delightful; something I need to do more often.
Getting my IT worked on was a smart move because I think it was on the verge of an injury. It is still extremely tender and sore, but that comes with getting an intense massage and then running a 5k, then a long run. Going to see him again this Tuesday and two more times.
The Brian Diemer 5k on Saturday was a great opportunity to get some speed into my training...even though the humidity made me feel like I couldn't breathe! Mom and Dad came up Friday and stayed until Sunday. I think it's been since college when both of my parents had watched me run. Good to have their support this weekend. I ended up running a 19:28, which I was content with. Ended up 21st Female overall and 7th in my age group. The course was flat and fast, with the leading women's time in the 16's! I think I came in second for the Gazelle Team and we ended up winning the Division 2 Team!
Goals for this coming week include, but are not limited too... stretching and icing my IT band more, running before work, getting some trail runs/hills in, and from the looks of this picture, my posture. :)
Week:13 Peak Mileage

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