This week was my first time attending the Gazelle Marathon Training Program; which I'll be going to every Tuesday. It was so nice to get back on the track and pull out my speed and mix it with some endurance. There is just something magical about stepping on a beautifully laid out track and warming up your body for a strenuous speed workout. We ended up doing 16 "harder" 200's for our main workout. These 200's were based on our 5K times, but I think since my endurance has been pretty well established, that I should have made these splits harder.
With my IT band not bothering me at knee has started bugging me. Funny how that works. After my massage it was a little sore, but nothing compared to how it has felt today after the Reed's Lake Run. I ended up doing both the 5k and 10k and now seconding guessing if this was smart.
It was considerably hot/humid, but I felt that these were both training runs for the marathon.
5k: 19:45
10k: 43:11 (I ended up 2nd in my age division!)
Weekly mileage was around 40 and I did 15 for my long run today.
Week 15: Urggg

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