Week 18 was a huge drop in mileage, leaving my legs restless and wondering what I was doing with my time. Took this week pretty easy since I know next week will be another killer high mileage week (50ish).
I was bummed that I wasn't able to go to Tuesday's practice because of my knee...
but I did find resolution to the whole problem. Went to the injury clinic at work and basically I have some instability in my knees. What I need to do is get on more trails, strengthen that with exercises, and stop running the exact same routes and on sloped roads. My IT band was definitely a part of this and foam rolling has not seen the last of me. It was relieving to hear a professional tell me exactly what the problem was and how to fix it. High hopes that my right leg will slowly start coming back to normal before the marathon.
Ran with Zach on some trails yesterday...only did about 5 miles on the actual trails since the deer flies were making a meal of us. We were screaming with our arms above our heads during a sandy part of the trail where apparently the flies make their home. Did about another 5 off of the trails on grass/even sidewalk.
Next week will be pretty jammed packed. It will be a challenge to get 50 miles in since I'm traveling to Boston for work for three days. I know they have a workout room at the hotel, but I don't know if I'll have time to use it!
Week 18: You have a lot more time when you are running less miles

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