Week 19 was another top mileage weekend and also happened to be the week the Merchandise Team traveled to Boston. Leaving on Wednesday and not getting back till Saturday definitely messed up my "routine," but was well worth all of that. It was great to hang out with co-workers and fellow retail teams, while learning a tremendous amount about New Balance.
After coming home on Saturday, I ended up sleeping for a good part of the day and only running 6 miles. Zach and I decided that it was best to just do our 22 miler on Sunday after getting a little more rest.
We headed out to Saugatuck Trails for a 3 hours escapade. It took a few miles to get into my routine and feel comfortable. Saugatuck Trails are rather grueling and my knees were getting the most of it. It was not that hot out but it was insane how much water I actually went through during the whole run. A 16oz bottle, 8oz bottle, and half of Zach's 22 oz bottle. Used 2 GU's, which felt appropriate for this time period.
I'm anxious to see how these trails will compare to the marathon's. I know that Saugatuck is more challenging, but the rumors are that North Country Trails are constantly up and down.
Knee seems to be holding up...just a little sore. I bought Zensah leg sleeves and wore them after my 22 miler. My legs felt great today, so maybe they helped!
Week 19: Traveling + 22 miles = exhaustation

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