Another uneventful week in the running world. Knee has been consistently sore, but not to the point of pain, so I'm still running on it. Took two days off, biked once, and ran the rest of the week. The only eventful thing about this week was that Zach was in town and that I did my longest run to date on Saturday.
For Gazelle track practice, we did a warm up, strides, and then a workout of a hard 800, rest for 200, hard 300, rest 300...this was done four times and equaled four miles. It has been great for my training to get higher quality miles in, instead of just junk miles.
Got up early today and headed from my apartment down to South Shore for my long run. The weather was warm, but relatively nice for such a lengthy run. Running past all the gorgeous houses on South Shore is always fun; seeing how ridiculously big these houses are and wondering how much they cost. Took one GU at the turn around point, roughly around mile 9. I had brought a 12 oz water bottle along and filled it up on my way back to Kollen Park, but was still really thirsty after that. About four miles left, I decided that I had to go into McDonald's and fill it up or I was going to pass out. Other than being dehydrated and a little sore, 18.2 miles felt pretty good! Next time, I'll bring more water or find more water fountains...another GU would have been nice.
Week 16: Lonnnnnnnnng Run

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