Oh what a glorious and exhilarating week it has been since my last post!
First things first, Zach proposed on the 21st! Had an amazing Saturday, in which I had to go on a scavenger hunt to “find” him. Nevertheless, I did not get my last long run in that day…but I could care less! Running around trying to find all the clues was a workout in itself. I ended up in Fredrick Meijer Garden and Sculpture Park for my last clue. It lead me to a sculpture where Zach had written in chalk on the ground…”Sit Here, Face Woods.” So I did. I waited about 5 min and then he came strolling around the corner. He awkwardly pulled me aside to a secluded garden called the Gallery and popped the question!
With the tapering going down to 30 miles this past week, running has taken less time and focus in my schedule. Been running with Zach most days and took a day off for “Yoga in the Park” with Gazelle and Lole.
Really looking forward to running this marathon, but also ready to get it over with. My legs are shot and my focus is not as strong as it once was for this race. With wedding planning to do and the GR Marathon to think about, it’s time for a new direction.
Week 23: Miss Runner Runnington is going to be a Mrs!

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